First let me say “Thank You” to all the people who have bought my new CD, “The RIde”! And I can’t thank you enough for the overwhelmingly wonderful comments and emails I’ve been getting about the CD. It makes my day every time I get one of these messages – you have no idea how much it means.
The CD continues to get rave reviews from critics. The latest one can be read here: THE RIDE REVIEW. For those of you who wrote reviews on iTunes and Amazon – thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! If you bought the CD and like it and haven’t left a review, please do so. Having many reviews helps to get my music into their search engines (especially on Amazon, so I’m told).
For a limited time (now through December 25th), physical CDs of my four previous CDs: “Infinite Man”, “Ready”, “Revelations” and “Peace At Last” will be on sale for $9.99 each at CD Baby (regular price is $12.49 and up)! It is a perfect time to complete your collection, and they also make great holiday gifts! The sale only is at CD Baby and applies to physical CD purchases only.
The first music video for “I Lived” (from “The Ride”) has been also getting incredible reviews and feedback. If you haven’t seen it, you can watch it here:
More music video from songs on “The Ride” are on their way shortly!
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