I’m working on ways to get “Infinite Man” (the CD) out in the public eye. The challenge I am facing currently, is that my CD is one of millions available on the web, and I (being an independet artist) don’t have an advertising buget, or the support of a record company in creating exposure. Touring is definitely in my near future (I am currently working with a great musician on creating an acoustic live show from the CD), and I am doing everything in my power to try to get some airplay on the radio. The CD might even be for sale in a few local Los Angeles nonmusic stores. However, no one in the music industry seems interested in an unknown artist until they are known. It takes a special person who believes in the music, to take a risk on an “unknown”. I do understand why it is difficult to get my CD into the ears of people who could take it to another level. They most likely get hundreds of CDs each week, many of which I’m sure are not great – so they are very particular about what they listen to. I believe in my music (as I’m sure every musician does!), and know if the right people heard it, it would get played. Thus, I keep moving forward, doing what I can. Just thought I’d share a little of the frustration I am feeling today, on this rainy Los Angeles day…
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